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Release History¤

[0.4.12] - Unreleased¤


  • Support for multi-segments (semi-column ; separated) SQL statements
  • Support for Databricks Lakeview Dashboard resource
  • CLI destroy command
  • unity-catalog, workspace and workflows template choices for CLI quickstart


  • Better feedback when terraform is not installed
  • Added SQL query to pipeline node transformer logs

Breaking changes¤

  • Removed backend and organization arguments for CLI
  • Combined CLI pulumi-options and terraform-options into options

[0.4.11] - 2024-08-16¤


  • VectorSearchIndex Databricks resource
  • VectorSearchEndpoint Databricks resource
  • purge method for data sink
  • full_refresh option for pipeline and pipeline node


  • Checkpoint location of TableDataSink

[0.4.10] - 2024-07-20¤


  • mergeSchema and overwriteSchema default options in DataSink writers

[0.4.9] - 2024-07-20¤


  • Support for models yaml merge
  • MwsNccBinding databricks resource
  • MwsNetworkConnectivityConfig databricks resource
  • Support for Databricks Table storage_credential_name and storage_location properties
  • Support for BINARYFILE (PDF) format in FileDataSource with Spark


  • DLT Debug mode when source is streaming and node is not
  • DataFrame type propagation when models are used as inputs to other models
  • Terraform auto-approve when other options are used
  • show_version_info() method to display correct packages version

[0.4.8] - 2024-07-03¤


  • Support for referencing nodes in SQL queries
  • Support for looking up existing resources
  • Support for terraform alias providers
  • laktory namespace to spark.sql.connect


  • Parametrized SQL expressions used in the context of DLT


  • Support for Polars 1.0

[0.4.7] - 2024-06-27¤


  • Support for parametrized queries when DLT module is loaded

[0.4.6] - 2024-06-27¤


  • Support for parametrized queries when DLT module is loaded


  • Issue with getting environment stack on null properties

[0.4.5] - 2024-06-25¤


  • with_column transformer node method to allow for None type

[0.4.4] - 2024-06-25¤


  • WorkspaceFile attribute to Pipeline class to customize access controls


  • Spark dependencies
  • Fixed encoding when reading from yaml files


  • Changed pipeline JSON file permission from account users to users
  • Smart join to support coalesce of columns outside of the join

[0.4.3] - 2024-06-12¤


  • Dataframe type propagation through all pipeline children


  • Reading pipeline node data source is isolation mode

[0.4.2] - 2024-06-11¤


  • Creation of the same column multiple times in a transformer node

[0.4.1] - 2024-06-11¤


  • Accessing custom DataFrame functions in custom namespace in SparkChainNode execution

[0.4.0] - 2024-06-11¤


  • Support for Polars with FileDataSource
  • Support for Polars with FileDataSink
  • Support for PolarsChain transformer
  • Polars DataFrame extension
  • Polars Expressions extension

Breaking changes¤

  • Refactored column creation inside a transformer node
  • Moved laktory Spark dataframe custom functions under a laktory namespace.

[0.3.3] - 2024-05-30¤


  • Support for SQL expression in SparkChain node
  • Limit option to Data Sources
  • Sample option to Data Sources
  • Display method for Spark DataFrames


  • Stack model environments to support overwrite of individual list element


  • Pipeline Node data source read with DLT in debug mode

[0.3.2] - 2024-05-28¤


  • Install instructions

Breaking changes¤

  • Re-organized optional dependencies
  • Remove support for Pulumi python

[0.3.1] - 2024-05-28¤


  • Updated ReadMe
  • Stack Validator unit test

[0.3.0] - 2024-05-28¤


  • Pipeline model, the new central component for building ETL pipelines
  • PipelineNode model, the Pipeline sub-component defining each dataframe in a pipeline
  • FileDataSink and TableDataSink sinks models
  • PipelineNodeDataSource and MemoryDataSource sources model
  • Future support for Polars and other types of dataframe


  • Enabled CDC support for both FileDataSource and TableDataSource

Breaking changes¤

  • Merged DataEventHeader into DataEvent model
  • Renamed EventDataSource model to FileDataSource
  • Renamed name attribute to table_name in TableDataSource model
  • Removed SparkChain support in DataSources
  • Renamed Pipeline model to DLTPipeline model
  • Cloud resources moved under models.resources.{provider}.{resource_class} to avoid collisions with future classes.
  • Removed TableBuilder. PipelineNode should be used instead

[0.2.1] - 2024-05-07¤


  • Support for spark chain for a data source
  • Support for broadcasting in a data source
  • YAML model dump for all base models


  • Function selection for pyspark connect dataframes

[0.2.0] - 2024-05-02¤


  • SparkChain a high level class allowing to declare and execute spark operations on a dataframe
  • SparkColumnNode the node of a SparkChain that builds a new column
  • SparkTableNode the node of a SparkChain that returns a new dataframe
  • Moved filter, selects and watermarks properties to models.BaseDataSource so that it can be used for all source types
  • models.BaseDataSource renames attribute for renaming columns of the source table
  • models.BaseDataSource drops attribute for dropping columns of the source table
  • spark DataFrame watermark returns the watermark column and threshold if any
  • spark DataFrame smart_join joins, cleans duplicated columns and supports watermarking
  • spark DataFrame groupby_and_agg groupby and aggregates in a single function
  • spark DataFrame window_filter takes the first n rows over a window


  • n/a

Breaking changes¤

  • Refactored table builder to use SparkChain instead of direct definitions of joins, unions, columns building, etc.

[0.1.10] - 2024-04-23¤


  • CLI run command to execute remote jobs and pipelines and monitor errors until completion
  • Dispatcher class to manage and run remote jobs
  • JobRunner class to run remote jobs
  • PipelineRunner class to run remote pipelines
  • datetime utilities


  • Environment variables DATABRICKS_SDK_UPSTREAM and DATABRICKS_SDK_UPSTREAM_VERSION to track laktory metrics as a Databricks partner


  • Permissions resource dependencies on DbfsFile and WorkspaceFile.

[0.1.9] - 2024-04-17¤


  • Support for table unions in table builder
  • New column property raise_missing_arg_exception to allow for some spark function inputs to be missing
  • add, sub, mul and div spark functions

Breaking Change¤

  • Renamed power spark function to scaled_power to prevent conflict with native spark function

[0.1.8] - 2024-03-25¤


  • quickstart CLI command to initialize a sample Laktory stack.
  • Databricks DBFS file model

[0.1.7] - 2024-03-15¤


  • show_version_info() method for bugs reporting
  • Git issues templates

[0.1.6] - 2024-02-23¤


  • Website branding

[0.1.5] - 2024-02-14¤


  • Support for DLT views
  • Support for providing table builder drop_duplicates with a list of columns to consider for the drop duplicates.


  • Propagation of stack variables to resources

[0.1.4] - 2024-02-12¤


  • Support for custom join sql expression in TableJoin model

[0.1.3] - 2024-02-10¤


  • Support for explicit path in TableDataSource model

[0.1.2] - 2024-02-05¤


  • Metastore, MetastoreAssignment, MetastoreDataAccess, MwsPermissionAssignment and ExternalLocation models
  • workspace_permission_assginments field to Group model
  • StackValidator class for testing deployment in both Pulumi and Terraform


  • Pipeline model supports null catalog (hive metastore)
  • Event Data Source supports custom event root path
  • Event Data Source supports custom schema location path
  • Refactored core_resources property to automatically propagate provider and dependencies to sub-resources.

Breaking Changes¤

  • Refactored default resource name to remove illegal characters, resolve variables and remove resource tags.

[0.1.1] - 2024-01-28¤


  • General support for Terraform IaC backend
  • AWS Provider
  • Azure Provider
  • Azure Pulumi (Native) Provider


  • BaseModel inject_vars method regular expressions support

Breaking changes¤

  • Replaced CLI argument --stack with --org and --dev for a more consistent experience between pulumi and terraform backends

[0.1.0] - 2024-01-12¤


  • Automatic creation of resources output variables that can be used in configuration files
  • Custom model serialization allowing conversion of keys to camel case
  • Laktory CLI
  • Stack model to define and deploy a complete collection of resources from yaml files only and manage environments
  • Support for cross-references in yaml files. A yaml configuration file can include another.
  • BaseResource and PulumiResource models with all methods required to deploy through pulumi
  • Grants model
  • GroupMember model
  • Permissions model
  • ServicePrincipalRole model
  • UserRole model
  • resources object to a BaseResource instance to define and deploy all the associated resources


  • events_root field of DataEventHeader and DataEvent models is now a property for the default value to dynamically account for settings
  • inject_vars method to support multiple targets (pulumi_yaml, pulumi_py, etc.)

Breaking changes¤

  • Modified groups field for Users and ServicePrincipal models to accept group id instead of group name
  • Modified resource_key for WorkspaceFile, Notebook and Directory
  • Removal of Laktory Resources Component (will trigger replacement of all resources unless aliases are used)
  • Removal of resources engines classes
  • Renamed permissions field to access_controls in multiple models to be consistent with Databricks API
  • Renamed vars object to variables
  • Resources deployment method deploy() and deploy_with_pulumi() renamed to to_pulumi()

[0.0.29] - 2023-12-20¤


  • Forced newlines character to eliminate discrepancies between Windows and Linux environment when writing pipeline files.

[0.0.28] - 2023-12-17¤


  • job.continuous.pause_status to allow for arbitrary string (allow variable)
  • job.email_notifications.pause_status to allow for arbitrary string (allow variable)
  • job.task_condition.pause_status to allow for arbitrary string (allow variable)
  • warehouse.channel_name to allow for arbitrary string (allow variable)
  • warehouse.spot_instance_policy to allow for arbitrary string (allow variable)
  • warehouse.warehouse_type to allow for arbitrary string (allow variable)

[0.0.27] - 2023-12-16¤


  • Support for DLT tables expectations

[0.0.26] - 2023-12-16¤


  • GitHub releases
  • Units conversion spark function

[0.0.25] - 2023-12-12¤


  • compare spark function
  • API Reference
  • doc tests


  • SparkFuncArgs model to allow constant value

Breaking changes¤

  • Renamed Producer model to DataProducer
  • Renamed Resource model to BaseResource
  • Renamed user and permissions resources
  • Renamed group and permissions resources
  • Renamed pipeline resources

[0.0.24] - 2023-12-05¤


  • Null values in joining columns with outer join


  • Variable injection to support Pulumi Output as part of a string
  • Column builder requires all inputs available to build a column

[0.0.23] - 2023-12-01¤


  • Databricks directory model
  • SQL Query model
  • Table resource

[0.0.22] - 2023-11-29¤


  • Git tag for each release
  • Automatic version bump after each release
  • Automatic documentation publishing after each release

[0.0.21] - 2023-11-27¤

Breaking Changes¤

  • Renamed to table.builder.layer to be consistent with industry standards.

[0.0.20] - 2023-11-27¤


  • header option when reading CSV event data source
  • read_options option when reading event data source
  • aggregation feature for table builder
  • window_filter feature for table builder

[0.0.19] - 2023-11-23¤


  • Gold zone columns in table builder


  • drop_columns option in table builder
  • template property to table builder, allowing to select a template, independent of the zone.

Breaking Changes¤

  • Renamed models.sql.column.Column.to_column to models.sql.column.Column.is_column to clarify that the provided value is a column name.

[0.0.18] - 2023-11-14¤


  • Support for externally managed users and groups

[0.0.17] - 2023-11-13¤


  • Data Event model to support timestamp from string


  • Option to exclude timestamp from data event filepath
  • Selects, filter, watermark options for TableDataSource
  • Support for joins in Table model
  • Silver Star builder

Breaking Changes¤

  • Refactored Table to move all building configuration into a TableBuilder model

[0.0.16] - 2023-11-08¤


  • UDFs property to pipeline model

Breaking Changes¤

  • Refactored InitScript model into the more general WorkspaceFile

[0.0.15] - 2023-11-07¤


  • Support for CDC table data source
  • Support for SCD table


  • Automatic catalog and schema assignation to source table from table and pipeline

[0.0.14] - 2023-11-06¤


  • Pyspark imports when pyspark not installed

[0.0.13] - 2023-11-06¤


  • Column spark_func_args parsing
  • Column spark_func_kwargs parsing
  • Support for _any column type


  • schema_flat and has_column DataFrame extensions for spark connect


  • Table Data Source to support tables external to the DLT pipeline

[0.0.12] - 2023-11-06¤


  • Pyspark imports when pyspark not installed

[0.0.11] - 2023-11-05¤


  • Deployment of pipeline configuration file


  • Spark optional dependencies
  • Spark unit tests
  • Functions library
  • Support for custom functions in silver processing

Breaking Changes¤

  • Changed API for table columns definition
  • Removed databricks-sdk as dependency

[0.0.10] - 2023-10-31¤


  • df_has_column handling of arrays when column name contains a digit

[0.0.9] - 2023-10-27¤


  • df_has_column support for column names with backticks (`)

[0.0.8] - 2023-10-24¤


  • Model pulumi dump method
  • Support for variables in yaml files

Breaking Changes¤

  • Deprecated metadata SQL methods

[0.0.7] - 2023-10-20¤


  • Bronze template notebook to leverage configuration file
  • Silver template notebook to leverage configuration file


  • compute.Cluster model
  • compute.InitScript model
  • compute.Job model
  • compute.Notebook model
  • compute.Pipeline model
  • compute.Warehouse model
  • secrets.Secret model
  • secrets.SecretScope model
  • Pipeline configuration file management

Breaking Changes¤

  • Refactored landing mount to landing root and changed default configuration to volumes

[0.0.6] - 2023-10-10¤


  • User, service principal and users group models
  • Grants models
  • Pulumi resources engine for user, group, catalog, schema, volume and associated grants

Breaking Changes¤

  • Renamed database objects to schema to be aligned with Databricks recommendations

[0.0.5] - 2023-09-28¤


  • Processing method for silver tables
  • Silver DLT pipeline template notebook
  • df_schema_flat function
  • _any as as supported type for Spark functions


  • Excluded fields for DataEvent model_dump
  • df_hascolumn function to support Spark 3.5


  • Table Metadata included derived properties for the columns

[0.0.4] - 2023-09-27¤


  • Refactored dlt module to support DBR < 13 and clusters in shared access mode


  • model_validate_yaml() for Pipeline model
  • table data insert when no data is available

Breaking Changes¤

  • Removed spark from required dependencies

[0.0.3] - 2023-09-25¤


  • Data Event cloud storage writers (Azure, AWS and Databricks mount)

[0.0.2] - 2023-09-24¤


  • Data Event class
  • Data Source classes
  • Pipeline class
  • Support for BRONZE transformations

[0.0.1] - 2023-07-13¤


  • Initial pypi release