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Data Pipeline

API Documentation


The Pipeline model is the cornerstone of Laktory, facilitating the process of reading, transforming, and writing data.

data pipeline

Pipeline Node¤

API Documentation


A pipeline is composed of a sequence of nodes, each designed to generate a Spark or Polars DataFrame. Each node reads from a designated source, applies specified transformations, and optionally writes the result to one or more sinks. data pipeline node

Sources and Sinks¤

node source node sink

Laktory supports a variety of sources and sinks, including data files and warehouse tables. By linking a node as the source for a downstream node, you establish dependencies, creating a directed acyclic graph (DAG).


node transformer

The transformations are defined through a transformer which is a chain of SQL statements and/or Spark/Polars DataFrame API function calls. This flexible and highly modular framework supports scalable batch and streaming operations.


node transformer

Data quality is achieved through the use of expectations and corresponding actions, which can drop, quarantine, or even halt pipelines if invalid data is detected before it reaches the output.


The entire pipeline definition is serializable, ensuring portability for deployment on remote compute environments. This makes Laktory ideal for a DataOps approach using infrastructure-as-code principles.

Here is an example of a pipeline declaration:

name: stock_prices
  - name: brz_stock_prices
      path: "./events/stock_prices"
    - schema_name: finance
      table_name: brz_stock_prices

  - name: slv_stock_prices
      node_name: brz_stock_prices
    - schema_name: finance
      table_name: slv_stock_prices
    - schema_name: finance
      table_name: slv_stock_prices_quarantine
      is_quarantine: True
    - name: positive price
      expr: close > 0
      action: QUARANTINE
      - sql_expr: |
              data.created_at AS created_at,
              data.symbol AS symbol,
     AS open,
              data.close AS close,
              data.high AS high,
              data.low AS low,
              data.volume AS volume
      - func_name: drop_duplicates
            - symbol
            - timestamp



You can execute the pipeline in a local or remote Spark session using the pipeline.execute(spark) command. If Polars is the DataFrame engine, the pipeline can run in a simple Python environment without external dependencies. In all cases, each node processes sequentially: reading data from the source, applying transformations, and writing to the sink.

from laktory import models

with open("pipeline_node.yaml") as fp:
    node = models.PipelineNode.model_validate(fp)

laktory.models.pipelinenode - INFO - Executing pipeline node slv_stock_prices (None)
laktory.models.datasources.filedatasource - INFO - Reading /Volumes/dev/sources/landing/tables/brz_stock_prices/ as static
laktory.models.transformers.basechain - INFO - Executing SPARK chain
laktory.models.transformers.basechain - INFO - Executing SPARK chain node 0 (SparkChainNode).
laktory.models.transformers.sparkchainnode - INFO - DataFrame df as 
  data.created_at AS created_at,
  data.symbol AS symbol, AS open,
  data.close AS close,
  data.high AS high,
  data.low AS low,
  data.volume AS volume
laktory.models.transformers.basechain - INFO - Executing SPARK chain node 1 (SparkChainNode).
laktory.models.transformers.sparkchainnode - INFO - DataFrame df as drop_duplicates(subset=['symbol', 'created_at'])
laktory.models.datasinks.filedatasink - INFO - Writing df as static DELTA to finance.slv_stock_prices with mode OVERWRITE and options {'mergeSchema': 'false', 'overwriteSchema': 'true'}
|created_at               |symbol|open              |close             |high              |low               |volume   |
|2023-07-06T11:30:00-04:00|MSFT  |338.7200012207031 |341.6199951171875 |341.6600036621094 |338.4200134277344 |2850613.0|
|2023-02-15T13:30:00-05:00|AAPL  |154.3800048828125 |155.2321014404297 |155.32550048828125|154.14999389648438|6005631.0|
|2023-02-15T10:30:00-05:00|MSFT  |268.0098876953125 |267.9599914550781 |268.6300048828125 |266.5299987792969 |5300365.0|
|2023-10-18T13:30:00-04:00|MSFT  |332.7200012207031 |331.54998779296875|332.7200012207031 |330.739990234375  |2036767.0|
|2023-10-19T12:30:00-04:00|AAPL  |176.69000244140625|177.47999572753906|177.83999633789062|175.4600067138672 |7575857.0|
|2023-05-16T11:30:00-04:00|AMZN  |113.59500122070312|114.4832992553711 |114.48999786376953|113.2750015258789 |8034165.0|
|2023-07-06T10:30:00-04:00|MSFT  |340.5799865722656 |338.70001220703125|341.1199951171875 |338.0899963378906 |3748565.0|
|2023-03-30T10:30:00-04:00|GOOGL |100.59500122070312|100.4749984741211 |100.875           |100.24019622802734|3869214.0|
|2023-01-17T15:30:00-05:00|GOOGL |91.55500030517578 |91.30999755859375 |91.61000061035156 |91.23999786376953 |3977790.0|
|2023-03-22T12:30:00-04:00|AMZN  |99.94010162353516 |100.193603515625  |100.21659851074219|99.83219909667969 |3250304.0|
only showing top 10 rows


While local execution is ideal for small datasets or prototyping, orchestrators unlock more advanced features such as parallel processing, automatic schema management, and historical re-processing. The desired orchestrator can be configured directly within the pipeline.

- name: stock_prices
  nodes: ...
  orchestrator: DATABRICKS_DLT
    catalog: dev
    target: finance

    - name : default
      node_type_id: Standard_DS3_v2
        min_workers: 1
        max_workers: 2

    - notebook:
        path: /.laktory/dlt/

The choice of orchestrator determines which resources are deployed when running the laktory deploy CLI command.

Databricks Job¤

A Databricks Job is a powerful orchestration mechanism. In this case, Laktory will create a task for each node, enabling parallel execution of nodes. Each reading and writing operation is entirely handled by Laktory source and sink.


To use the DATABRICKS_JOB orchestrator, you must also add the supporting notebook to your stack.

Here is a simplified version:

dbutils.widgets.text("pipeline_name", "pl-stock-prices")
dbutils.widgets.text("node_name", "")

from laktory import models  # noqa: E402
from laktory import settings  # noqa: E402

# Read Pipeline
pl_name = dbutils.widgets.get("pipeline_name")
node_name = dbutils.widgets.get("node_name")
filepath = f"/Workspace{settings.workspace_laktory_root}pipelines/{pl_name}.json"
with open(filepath, "r") as fp:
    pl = models.Pipeline.model_validate_json(

# Execution
if node_name:

The notebook reads the pipeline configuration using the pipeline name provided by the job and execute a node, also provided by the job.

Selecting the DATABRICKS_JOB orchestrator will deploy a pipeline json configuration file and a requirements.txt file for installing dependencies. Both can be found in your workspace under /Workspace/{laktory_root}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/.

Delta Live Tables (DLT)¤

Databricks Delta Live Tables offers features like automatic schema change management, continuous execution, and autoscaling.


Each pipeline node runs inside a dlt.table() or dlt.view() function. In the context of DLT, node execution does not trigger a sink write, as this operation is managed by DLT. When a source is a pipeline node, and dlt.read_stream() functions are called to ensure compatibility with the DLT framework.

To use the DATABRICKS_DLT orchestrator, you must also add the supporting notebook to your stack.

Here is a simplified version:

from laktory import dlt
from laktory import models

with open("pipeline.yaml") as fp:
    pl = models.Pipeline.model_validate_yaml(

def define_table(node, sink):
        as_view=sink is None,
    def get_df():

        # Execute node
        if sink.is_quarantine:
            df = node.quarantine_df
            df = node.output_df

        # Return
        return df

    return get_df

# Build nodes
for node in pl.nodes:
    for sink in node.sinks:
        wrapper = define_table(node, sink)
        df = dlt.get_df(wrapper)

Notice how dlt module is imported from laktory as it provides additional debugging and inspection capabilities. Notably, you can run the notebook in a user cluster and will be able to inspect the resulting dataframe.


Selecting the DATABRICKS_DLT orchestrator will deploy a pipeline json configuration file and a requirements.txt file for installing dependencies. Both can be found in your workspace under /Workspace/{laktory_root}/pipelines/{pipeline_name}/.

Apache Airflow¤

Support for Apache Airflow as an orchestrator is on the roadmap.


Support for Dagster as an orchestrator is on the roadmap.

Streaming Operations¤

Laktory supports event-based and kappa architectures using Apache Spark Structured Streaming for continuous, scalable data processing.

By setting as_stream: True in a pipeline node's data source, the DataFrame becomes streaming-enabled, processing only new rows of data at each run instead of re-processing the entire dataset.

Streaming does not mean the pipeline is continuously running. Execution can still be scheduled, but each run is incremental. Currently, the only way to deploy a continuously running pipeline is by selecting the Delta Live Tables orchestrator with continuous: True.

For more information about streaming data, consider reading this blog post.