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Getting started with Laktory is simple. Use the CLI quickstart command to set up a stack that aligns with the resources you want to deploy. You can choose from three templates, each tailored to specific deployment needs:

  • workflows: A workspace-based deployment that includes notebooks, notebook jobs, Laktory job pipelines, and Laktory DLT pipelines.
  • workspace: A deployment focused on your Databricks workspace, covering directories, secrets, and SQL warehouses.
  • unity-catalog: A deployment targeting your Databricks account, including resources like groups, users, catalogs, and schemas.

After you followed the installation instructions, open a command prompt and run the following command:

laktory quickstart 
You will be prompted with two simple questions:

Once these are selected, Laktory will generate the stack.yaml file, file, which acts as the main entry point for declaring all your resources. The associated resources will also be created. Other than the stack.yaml file, you are free to organize folder structures and file names as you see fit—there’s no strict convention to follow.

Workflows Stack¤

The workflows stack sets up and deploys three key components: a "Hello World!" Databricks job, a Laktory pipeline for stock prices (as a Databricks Job and as a Delta Live Table), and all the necessary supporting resources.

Create Stack¤

To create the stack, use the following command:

laktory quickstart -t workflows


After running the quickstart command, the following structure is created:

├── data
│   └── stock_prices.json
├── notebooks
│   ├── dlt
│      └──
│   └── jobs       ├──
│       └──
├── requirements.txt
├── resources
│   ├── dbfsfiles.yaml
│   ├── job-hello.yaml
│   ├── notebooks.yaml
│   ├── pl-stocks-spark-dlt.yaml
│   └── pl-stocks-sql.yaml
├── sql
│   └── slv_stock_prices.sql
├── stack.yaml

Resources Directory¤

The files in the resources directory are referenced in the stack.yaml file and declare various resources to be deployed. Each file specifies one or more resources.

Notebooks Directory¤

The notebooks directory contains the notebooks to be deployed to the Databricks workspace, as defined in the resources/notebooks.yaml file. These notebooks are also referenced in job and pipeline definitions.

Data Directory¤

For the pipeline to run, a sample stock_prices.json data file is provided and will be uploaded to DBFS as declared in resources/dbfsfiles.yaml.

Set Environment Variables¤

Before deployment, ensure the following environment variables are properly set, as referenced in the stack.yaml file:

  • DATABRICKS_HOST: The URL of your Databricks workspace
  • DATABRICKS_TOKEN: A valid Databricks personal access token

Deploy Stack¤

Now you are ready to deploy your stack. If you're using Terraform, start by initializing the environment:

laktory init --env dev

Then, deploy the stack:

laktory deploy --env dev

The deployment process will refresh the state of your Databricks resources and generate an execution plan using Terraform. Once the plan is generated, simply confirm by typing "yes" to proceed.

(laktory) osoucy@countach workflows % laktory deploy --env dev
databricks_dbfs_file.dbfs-file-stock-prices: Refreshing state... [id=/Workspace/.laktory/data/stock_prices/stock_prices.json]
databricks_notebook.notebook-job-laktory-pl: Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/jobs/]
databricks_workspace_file.workspace-file-laktory-pipelines-pl-stocks-spark-dlt-json: Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/pipelines/pl-stocks-spark-dlt.json]
databricks_workspace_file.workspace-file-laktory-pipelines-pl-stocks-sql-json: Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/pipelines/pl-stocks-sql.json]
databricks_notebook.notebook-dlt-laktory-pl: Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/dlt/]
databricks_notebook.notebook-job-hello: Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/jobs/] Refreshing state... [id=dc28dbfb-0407-42fa-979f-94e17fa1fd30]
databricks_job.job-hello: Refreshing state... [id=808120666287598]
databricks_job.pipeline-databricks-job-job-pl-stock-sql: Refreshing state... [id=210130692451027]
databricks_permissions.permissions-job-hello: Refreshing state... [id=/jobs/808120666287598]
databricks_permissions.permissions-workspace-file-laktory-pipelines-pl-stocks-spark-dlt-json: Refreshing state... [id=/files/4435054900343469]
databricks_permissions.permissions-workspace-file-laktory-pipelines-pl-stocks-sql-json: Refreshing state... [id=/files/4435054900343468]

Note: Objects have changed outside of Terraform

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create
-/+ destroy and then create replacement

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # databricks_dbfs_file.dbfs-file-stock-prices will be created
  + resource "databricks_dbfs_file" "dbfs-file-stock-prices" {
      + dbfs_path = (known after apply)
      + file_size = (known after apply)
      + id        = (known after apply)
      + md5       = "different"
      + path      = "/Workspace/.laktory/data/stock_prices/stock_prices.json"
      + source    = "./data/stock_prices.json"

Plan: 12 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

After deployment, you can check the Databricks workspace to confirm that the pipeline job has been successfully deployed. pl-stock-prices

Run Pipeline Job¤

You can now run your pipeline either from the Databricks UI or using the Laktory CLI:

laktory run --env dev --job pl-stock-sql
This will start the pipeline run and provide real-time status updates for each task in the job. The output will show the job's progress, including any tasks that are pending, running, or completed.
(laktory) osoucy@countach workflows % laktory run --env dev --job job-pl-stock-sql
INFO - Getting id for job job-pl-stock-sql
INFO - Getting id for pipeline pl-stocks-spark-dlt
INFO - Getting id for job job-hello
INFO - Job job-pl-stock-sql run started...
INFO - Job job-pl-stock-sql run URL:
INFO - Job job-pl-stock-sql state: RUNNING
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-brz_stock_prices_sql state: PENDING
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-slv_stock_prices_sql state: BLOCKED
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-brz_stock_prices_sql state: RUNNING
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-brz_stock_prices_sql state: TERMINATED
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-slv_stock_prices_sql state: PENDING
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-slv_stock_prices_sql state: RUNNING
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-slv_stock_prices_sql state: TERMINATING
INFO - Job job-pl-stock-sql state: TERMINATED
INFO -    Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-slv_stock_prices_sql state: TERMINATED
INFO - Job job-pl-stock-sql run terminated after 232.99 sec with RunLifeCycleState.TERMINATED 
INFO - Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-brz_stock_prices_sql terminated with RunResultState.SUCCESS 
INFO - Task job-pl-stock-sql.node-slv_stock_prices_sql terminated with RunResultState.SUCCESS 

Workspace Stack¤

The workspace stack declares and deploys some directories, a few secrets and a SQL Warehouse.

Create Stack¤

To create the workspace stack, run the following command:

laktory quickstart -t workspace


After running the command, the following structure will be generated:

├── requirements.txt
├── resources
│   ├── directories.yaml
│   ├── secretscopes.yaml
│   └── warehouses.yaml
├── stack.yaml

Resources Directory¤

The files in the resources directory are referenced in the stack.yaml file and declare various resources to be deployed. Each file specifies one or more resources.

Set Environment Variables¤

Before deployment, ensure the following environment variables are properly set, as referenced in the stack.yaml file:

  • DATABRICKS_HOST: The URL of your Databricks workspace
  • DATABRICKS_TOKEN: A valid Databricks personal access token

Deploy Stack¤

Once the environment variables are set, you’re ready to deploy the stack. If you're using Terraform, initialize your environment first:

laktory init --env dev

Then deploy the stack with:

laktory deploy --env dev

During the deployment, Laktory will refresh the state of your Databricks resources and generate an execution plan. You'll see a list of the resources to be created, updated, or destroyed. Confirm the execution by typing "yes" when prompted.

(laktory) osoucy@countach workspace % laktory deploy --env dev Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/dashboards/] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/dlt/] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/jobs/]
databricks_secret_scope.secret-scope-laktory: Refreshing state... [id=laktory] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/pipelines/] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/queries/]
databricks_sql_endpoint.warehouse-laktory: Refreshing state... [id=d376fdc94855474e]
databricks_secret_acl.secret-scope-acl-laktory-users: Refreshing state... [id=laktory|||users]
databricks_secret.secret-scope-laktory-env: Refreshing state... [id=laktory|||env]
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Refreshing state... [id=/sql/warehouses/d376fdc94855474e]

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create
-/+ destroy and then create replacement

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # will be created
  + resource "databricks_directory" "directory-laktory-dashboards" {
      + delete_recursive = false
      + id               = (known after apply)
      + object_id        = (known after apply)
      + path             = "/.laktory/dashboards/"
      + workspace_path   = (known after apply)


Plan: 7 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Destroying... [id=/sql/warehouses/d376fdc94855474e] Creating...
databricks_secret_scope.secret-scope-laktory: Creating... Creating...
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Destruction complete after 0s Creation complete after 1s [id=/.laktory/dashboards/]
databricks_sql_endpoint.warehouse-laktory: Creating... Creation complete after 1s [id=/.laktory/queries/]
databricks_secret_scope.secret-scope-laktory: Creation complete after 1s [id=laktory]
databricks_secret.secret-scope-laktory-env: Creating...
databricks_secret_acl.secret-scope-acl-laktory-users: Creating...
databricks_secret_acl.secret-scope-acl-laktory-users: Creation complete after 0s [id=laktory|||users]
databricks_secret.secret-scope-laktory-env: Creation complete after 0s [id=laktory|||env]
databricks_sql_endpoint.warehouse-laktory: Creation complete after 8s [id=e5e50bef723ac951]
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Creating...
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Creation complete after 2s [id=/sql/warehouses/e5e50bef723ac951]

Apply complete! Resources: 7 added, 0 changed, 1 destroyed.

Once the deployment completes, you can verify that the SQL warehouse and other resources have been successfully created by checking the Databricks workspace. quickstart-workspace-warehouse

Unity Catalog Stack¤

The unity-catalog stack deploys users, user groups, Unity Catalogs, catalogs, and schemas. This stack is more complex than the previous ones, as it targets both the Databricks account (for user management) and the workspace (for catalog creation).

Create Stack¤

To create the Unity Catalog stack, run:

laktory quickstart -t unit-catalog


After running the command, the following structure will be generated:

├── resources
│   ├── catalogs.yaml
│   ├── groups.yaml
│   ├── schemas.yaml
│   └── users.yaml
├── stack.yaml

Resources Directory¤

The files in the resources directory are referenced in the stack.yaml file and declare various resources to be deployed. Each file specifies one or more resources.

Stack Providers¤

In the stack.yaml, you will find the definition for two providers: databricks (for the account) and (for the workspace). These may be formatted slightly differently if you’re using Pulumi.


    account_id: ${vars.DATABRICKS_ACCOUNT_ID}
    azure_tenant_id: ${vars.AZURE_TENANT_ID}
    azure_client_id: ${vars.AZURE_CLIENT_ID}
    azure_client_secret: ${vars.AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET}
    auth_type: azure-client-secret
    alias: dev
    host: ${vars.DATABRICKS_HOST_DEV}
    token: ${vars.DATABRICKS_TOKEN_DEV}

The databricks provider deploys resources to your Databricks account, while handles deployments to the workspace. Although Unity Catalog resources are shared across workspaces, catalogs, schemas, and tables must still be deployed to a specific workspace, which is why the workspace provider is needed.

In your resource definitions, the workspace provider is referenced like this:

  provider: ${}

Set Environment Variables¤

In this setup, more environment variables are required to deploy resources to both the Databricks account and workspace.

For the workspace provider:

  • DATABRICKS_HOST_DEV: The URL of your Databricks development workspace
  • DATABRICKS_TOKEN_DEV: A valid workspace token

For the account provider:

  • DATABRICKS_ACCOUNT_ID: The Databricks account ID
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: You Azure tenant ID
  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: The ID of the Azure Service Principal, which must be added as a Databricks account administrator
  • AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET: The client secret of the Azure Service Principal

This setup is specific to Azure, but other authentication methods are available here

Deploy Stack¤

Once your environment variables are set, you are ready to deploy the stack. If you're using Terraform, first run the initialization command:

laktory init --env dev

Then, deploy the stack:

laktory deploy --env dev

Terraform will generate an execution plan, and you'll see the resources that will be created. Confirm the actions by typing "yes" when prompted.

(laktory) osoucy@countach unity-catalog % laktory deploy

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # databricks_catalog.catalog-lqs-dev will be created
  + resource "databricks_catalog" "catalog-lqs-dev" {
      + enable_predictive_optimization = (known after apply)
      + force_destroy                  = true
      + id                             = (known after apply)
      + isolation_mode                 = "OPEN"
      + metastore_id                   = (known after apply)
      + name                           = "lqs-dev"
      + owner                          = (known after apply)


  # databricks_user_role.user-role-account_admin-user-kubic-okube-ai will be created
  + resource "databricks_user_role" "user-role-account_admin-user-kubic-okube-ai" {
      + id      = (known after apply)
      + role    = "account_admin"
      + user_id = (known after apply)

Plan: 29 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

databricks_catalog.catalog-lqs-prd: Creating...
databricks_catalog.catalog-lqs-dev: Creating... Creating... Creating...
databricks_user.user-jane-doe-okube-ai: Creating... Creating...
databricks_user.user-kubic-okube-ai: Creating...
databricks_user.user-john-doe-okube-ai: Creating... Creation complete after 1s [id=978906969228198]
databricks_grants.grants-schema-lqs-prd-sandbox: Creation complete after 1s [id=schema/lqs-prd.sandbox]

After the deployment is complete, you can check the Databricks account for the newly created users and groups. account-users account-groups

In the workspace, you'll see the catalogs and schemas that were deployed. workspace-schemas


Watch Laktory Quickstart in action!