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The workspace stack declares and deploys some directories, a few secrets and a SQL Warehouse.

Create Stack¤

To create the workspace stack, run the following command:

laktory quickstart -t workspace


After running the command, the following structure will be generated:

├── requirements.txt
├── resources
│   ├── directories.yaml
│   ├── secretscopes.yaml
│   └── warehouses.yaml
├── stack.yaml

Resources Directory¤

The files in the resources directory are referenced in the stack.yaml file and declare various resources to be deployed. Each file specifies one or more resources.

Set Environment Variables¤

Before deployment, ensure the following environment variables are properly set, as referenced in the stack.yaml file:

  • DATABRICKS_HOST: The URL of your Databricks workspace
  • DATABRICKS_TOKEN: A valid Databricks personal access token

Deploy Stack¤

Once the environment variables are set, you’re ready to deploy the stack. If you're using Terraform, initialize your environment first:

laktory init --env dev

Then deploy the stack with:

laktory deploy --env dev

During the deployment, Laktory will refresh the state of your Databricks resources and generate an execution plan. You'll see a list of the resources to be created, updated, or destroyed. Confirm the execution by typing "yes" when prompted.

(laktory) osoucy@countach workspace % laktory deploy --env dev Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/dashboards/] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/dlt/] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/jobs/]
databricks_secret_scope.secret-scope-laktory: Refreshing state... [id=laktory] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/pipelines/] Refreshing state... [id=/.laktory/queries/]
databricks_sql_endpoint.warehouse-laktory: Refreshing state... [id=d376fdc94855474e]
databricks_secret_acl.secret-scope-acl-laktory-users: Refreshing state... [id=laktory|||users]
databricks_secret.secret-scope-laktory-env: Refreshing state... [id=laktory|||env]
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Refreshing state... [id=/sql/warehouses/d376fdc94855474e]

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create
-/+ destroy and then create replacement

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # will be created
  + resource "databricks_directory" "directory-laktory-dashboards" {
      + delete_recursive = false
      + id               = (known after apply)
      + object_id        = (known after apply)
      + path             = "/.laktory/dashboards/"
      + workspace_path   = (known after apply)


Plan: 7 to add, 0 to change, 1 to destroy.

Do you want to perform these actions?
  Terraform will perform the actions described above.
  Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.

  Enter a value: yes

databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Destroying... [id=/sql/warehouses/d376fdc94855474e] Creating...
databricks_secret_scope.secret-scope-laktory: Creating... Creating...
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Destruction complete after 0s Creation complete after 1s [id=/.laktory/dashboards/]
databricks_sql_endpoint.warehouse-laktory: Creating... Creation complete after 1s [id=/.laktory/queries/]
databricks_secret_scope.secret-scope-laktory: Creation complete after 1s [id=laktory]
databricks_secret.secret-scope-laktory-env: Creating...
databricks_secret_acl.secret-scope-acl-laktory-users: Creating...
databricks_secret_acl.secret-scope-acl-laktory-users: Creation complete after 0s [id=laktory|||users]
databricks_secret.secret-scope-laktory-env: Creation complete after 0s [id=laktory|||env]
databricks_sql_endpoint.warehouse-laktory: Creation complete after 8s [id=e5e50bef723ac951]
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Creating...
databricks_permissions.permissions-warehouse-laktory: Creation complete after 2s [id=/sql/warehouses/e5e50bef723ac951]

Apply complete! Resources: 7 added, 0 changed, 1 destroyed.

Once the deployment completes, you can verify that the SQL warehouse and other resources have been successfully created by checking the Databricks workspace. quickstart-workspace-warehouse


As part of the Lakhouse As Code mini-series, watch how to configure a workspace using Laktory and the workspace quickstart.

If you prefer, you can also read the blog post on the same topic.